Ebix Risk Compliance Solutions (EbixRCS) is a wholly owned division of Ebix, Inc. (NASDAQ: EBIX), a global provider of technology solutions to the insurance industry. Ebix, Inc. is headquartered in Atlanta GA and has offices located across the globe.

Currently EbixRCS service clients in 25 separate industries

Yes, EbixRCS's clients range from smaller regional organizations to large multinationals

Yes, EbixRCS's systems can accommodate an unlimited number of variations in contract insurance requirements

No, all of the work is performed by trained EbixRCS employees.

Yes, users have the flexibility to allow them to make business decisions by modifying insurance requirements and/or waiving deficiencies.

Yes, EbixRCS receives and validates coverage certificates from organizations all over the world.

Clients own the compliance data created on their behalf by EbixRCS.

New clients can be implemented within a few weeks of providing required implementation information to EbixRCS.

Pricing is determined based on several factors including tracking requirements and, the relative simplicity/complexity of the system and manual processes needed for each client. For more information and/or to receive a written scope and pricing proposal, please contact EbixRCS at 800-996-9964



Contact information

To learn more about Risk Compliance products or to speak to a representative, simply contact:

Sales : +1 949-428-7800 / 800-996-9964
Service : +1 770-624-2700, option 7

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